Deutsches Theater Berlin/DT Jung* (2024)
A collage performance with 6 minors and an 18+ theme 

Sexualized images are all around us. But nowhere as unavoidable and directly available as on millions of better- and lesser-known porn sites and platforms on the internet: 35 percent of all internet traffic has a pornographic origin. The toxic potential of these images is well known, their consumption therefore taboo and shameful. For many minors, it would not be difficult to gain access to this material - if it wasn’t for the powerful wall that protects these innocents from these evil images: the age barrier.
This barrier keeps everyone under 18 as clean as snow. Because the answer to the question of whether they are part of the adult community and therefore allowed to have access to explicit content, is of course a clear “no” and that’s over and out. 
But on the stage of the DT-Box we find some minors who, overcome by curiosity, explore this omnipresent content. Because pornography is here to stay, regardless of whether you demonise it, elevate it as empowering discourse instruments or just find them uninteresting. And it has something to tell us – about desire, performance and physical experiences in a society in which the boundary between the analogue and the digital is slowly blurring.

directing team Lorenz Nolting & Sofie Boiten
stage and costume design Betty Kirmair
Noor Boiten
pedagogy Timo Staaks, Sarah Ruth Feifel
dramaturgy Johann Otten
directing assistance Kasper Bisgaard Laursen
stage and costume intern Sophia Hönig
performance Lukas Baubkus, Aino Bertram, Leonie Bork, Cutter Constantin Dendl, Jonathan Walker, Julie Thiele